Rome’s skyline today certainly would not be same, had it not been for the two protagonists – who were at the same time antagonists – of the Baroque period, Francesco Castelli, better known as Borromini, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. On this tour, which will take us to the Quirinale, the highest hill of Rome that offers a wonderful view across the city, we will see some of the masterpieces they created and learn about their rivalry. Thanks to their competition, today we can admire masterpieces like Bernini’s Cornaro – Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria with the Extasy of Saint Teresa, Borromini’s Church of “San Carlino”, and Bernini’s Basilica of Sant’Andrea al Quirinale, a church that appears like a “theatre” and was the place where the master himself, according to what he reported to his son, liked to stay in the last years of his life, in order to recover from all his hard work. (Duration 3 hours.)